Zilch joins StepChange to combat the cost-of-living challenge

Zilch joins StepChange to combat the cost-of-living challenge #

Zilch, a payment technology company based in the UK, has announced a new partnership with StepChange, the largest charity in the UK that helps people get out of debt.

With this support, Zilch will become the first credit provider to fully integrate StepChange Direct into its platform. Also, the company that makes payment technology won’t stop there. It will keep adding new features that make the customer experience better.

Zilch and StepChange have collaborated to identify certain existing requirements when consumers are under financial stress and seek assistance that can be waived, thus helping them at a time when they are often most vulnerable. StepChange’s team of experts is very well trained, and they will work with Zilch’s vulnerability team to make it easier to find people who are vulnerable and send them to debt counselling.

Through the Fair Share funding mechanism, Zilch will make payments to StepChange, supporting the organisation in its operations and ensuring that UK clients have ongoing access to a non-profit organisation that helps people in financial distress get out of debt.